Frequently asked questions

In case you have an urgent question or problem you can first check the most common problems and how to solve them. If you cannot find your issue in the below list, you can contact us during business days. For urgent problems during weekends or holidays, you can contact the central orthodontic on-call service on 070 222 088
The below common problems are generally not urgent and they can wait till the next available business day.

I have fixed braces and my wire stings

A stinging wire can be very annoying. To reduce any discomfort and pain, you can cover the end of the wire with “orthodontic wax” or sugar-free gum. We can then fix your wire during your next appointment.

If you still have discomfort after trying to cover the end of the wire with “orthodontic wax” or sugar-free gum, you can carefully cut off the end of the wire using a nail clipper. If this still doesn’t help with your discomfort, you can contact us to make a new appointment.

I have fixed braces and a bracket has come loose

If the loose bracket does not give you any discomfort, fixing it can wait till your next appointment. If the bracket is giving you discomfort, you can carefully remove the bracket from the wire and, if necessary, carefully cut off the end of the wire using a nail clipper. If this does not ease your discomfort, you can contact us to book an appointment. 

If you are currently wearing dental elastics around the bracket that has come loose, it is important that this bracket is reattached as soon as possible.

The retention wire behind my teeth has detached or stings

If the retention wire behind your teeth has detached, over time your teeth can start to move out of place. You can make an appointment to refix or remove any loose wires. 

My removable orthodontic appliance does not fit any longer, is broken or is lost

Contact us to book an appointment to fix or adapt your removable orthodontic appliance. If we can’t fix it in the practice, we can send it off for specialised repair. If your (broken) appliance still fits, it is important for you to keep wearing it until your next appointment. If you still have the plaster- or 3D-model of the appliance, bring it to the appointment. 

My metal band has come loose

If the metal band around your molar has come loose you can contact us to book an appointment. The metal band will be secured. If a loose band is not fixed, over time this can result in tooth decay.

Mijn nachtbeugel is kwijt of kapot

Als je nachtbeugel verloren is, neem dan zo snel mogelijk contact op met de praktijk. Vergeet zeker niet om je 3D- of gips-model waarop deze beugel gemaakt is mee te brengen! Als dit model aanwezig is, wordt dit opgestuurd en worden er zo kosten bespaard! Dit geldt ook voor een kapotte beugel.

I have to wear dental elastics but I ran out

It is important that you wear the dental elastics according to the advice you have received. If you have run out, you can come by the practice to collect a new packet.

Mijn mondspoelmiddel is op

Het is belangrijk dat je gedurende de hele orthodontische behandeling met blokjes iedere avond je mond spoelt met een specifiek mondspoelmiddel. Dit is te verkrijgen op voorschrift. Als je mondspoelmiddel op is, stuur ons dan een mailtje. Wij kunnen elektronisch een voorschrift op je ID-kaart zetten zodat je niet naar de praktijk moet komen. Je kan dan het spoelmiddel met jouw ID-kaart ophalen in de apotheek.